The U.S. Federal prison population for drug offenses is . . .
- Over three times any other type of offense
- More than all other types combined
- Increasing by 4% in percentage of total over the last two years
This data visualization was done via IBM's Many Eyes. It shows the change of federal prison population over a 2-year period (2008-2010).
It is scary that drugs represent such a high percentage of prison population. In addition, the rate of increase over just the last two years is too much to understand.
Ten years ago drug offenders were 21% of the prison population.
I gave the prison populations, thinking in terms of how this all affects families and communities.
I should have given the costs...which we certainly can't afford. One estimate is $23M per 100 prisoners.
Thanks for the costs figures. I know it's not much when compared with our debt, but it is one more bit that could help. Just one more reason to re-think the war on drugs.
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