Smart Speakers Change Keyword Priorities
The appeal of a long-tail keyword used to be that you could grab users who had a specific inquiry. With the growing presence of voice search, long-tail keywords are the primary focus for users. Nobody is going to ask Siri to show them “frozen yogurt.” Yes, that might yield some nearby results, but they’re likely going to be more specific. When you consider the natural way we use voice search, it’s usually highly specific to our needs. For example, that dessert command over voice search is more likely to be “frozen yogurt in Los Angeles,” or “frozen yogurt near Athens, GA.”
Place yourself in the shoes of a voice search user. Think about the long-tail keywords they’d be using and start to transition to more natural phrases people might use. Instead of the formality of typing an inquiry out, users now have the luxury of saying what they want. That said, they’re likely to keep things conversational and relaxed. That reality should dictate your SEO strategy for keywords.
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